Moments in Milan: Day 7

Today was our last day in Milan, closing out the visit of the city in a wonderful way with a tour of the most famous and luxurious concept store in Milan followed by a tour of the Milan Fashion district. The name of the concept store is 10 Corso Como and it is absolutely breathtaking with its elegance. Walking though forest open to the air and enclosed by old Italian architecture, the store leads into a sprawling collection of every major brand in the luxury industry, but only with cutting edge and extremely limit edition items. Nothing in the store was under $100, but its was still an experience seeing all of the Gucci and similar brands of which many I was unfamiliar with. Even for the brands I did recognize, I had never seen many of those clothes in my life or the color-ways they were presented in. They additionally had a book store upstairs with a coffee shop that was very interesting, making it one of the most unique stores I have every been in and definitely the most exciting. I have never seen so many clothes that were so beautiful in one place all of which I would have loved to own, but for obvious reasons stayed away with price tags going up into the thousands of dollars.

Next we had the tour of the world famous fashion district in Milan that was other worldly. With the endless luxury brand stores and sprawling streets where a massive portion of the economy for Italy is located, just in clothes. Walking through, the wealth of the area was insane with Bentleys, Ferraris, Jaguar, and so many other expensive cars all over the place used by the individuals in the stores buying endless clothes. In every store window there seemed to be insanely expensive clothes like alligator leather jackets and other fashionable items made of the most rare and luxurious fabrics.

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