Promoting Life in Monteverde

Tico farmers in Monteverde have seen a lot of change over the past few decades. This is especially true for Life Montervede farmer Don Guillermo. Don Guillermo is responsible for helping to run a small farm in Monteverde. He faces many challenges as he nurtures his small family run business. Being a small business they face competition from other small businesses in a similar industry. Along with the larger companies that dominate large parts of the industry.

The farmers of Life Monterverde challenge themselves to be a sustainable company. They challenge themselves to conserve their crops and the planet. They conserve their coffee crops by using several different techniques. For example, they use trees to block wind and provide shade for the coffee plants. The crop also grows on the mountainside, this means that water can sometimes carry the nutrients in the soil down the hill when it rains. In order to prevent this, the crops are planted in step formations so the soil can better absorb the water. Farms also use techniques to keep itself sustainable. Today at Life Monteverde we saw how the farm makes use of pig manure. The manure produces methane, the methane is then sent through a tube to the kitchen. The methane is then burn and fire is used to cook. This process eliminates a gas that is harmful to the environment.

Sustainability, the act of moving towards this concept is what makes farmers like Don Guillermo happy. His goal is to be able to tell his children that he did his best in moving towards this concept. Along with having evidence of this through planting trees and using technologies that promote sustainability.

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