Day 13 – Munich Again

Today we had a free day so my friend group bought bus tickets which were surprisingly cheap and went to Munich. Mattias, a German student came with us which ended up being the best thing that could happen. He basically became our tour guide and for it we are so thankful. Mattias knew exactly where he was going. Looking back, if we had gone without him we would have certainly gotten lost or missed some of the best parts of Munich.

We first walked around a little bit and saw a little shore. We put our feet in the water, feed ducks and trout, and skipped rocks. Then we went to the English gardens, where we saw locals surfing on a wave of the river. It was really cool. Then we went to a beer garden within the park where we got lunch. We had just finished eating when it started to pour. We first sat under some trees which did not keep us that dry so we went under a pavilion and stood there for a while. We stayed there for around thirty minutes until the rain let up. Then we caught a bus and went to the city center of Munich. There, we went to a classy restaurant that Mattias recommended. We hung out there and talked for a while. After we went back to the train station, where we caught a train back to Augsburg. Today was a nice low key day to hang out with friends and to appreciate Munich and Germany.

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