Episode 2: Plus3 reunion

Imagine this… 3 years have passed and the original Pitt Plus3 class travels back to Dublin to see the changes the city has. Ireland is a place that is constantly growing and changing. Within the past 10 years the docks are one area that has changed drastically. Many buildings were built that hold huge businesses such as Google and Facebook. For all we know, after 3 years the city could be completely changed. After touring around and hearing the stories about how Dublin has changed I have some thoughts on what could change within the next 3 years.


I think the Docks will be filled with even more huge multinational companies and will be booming with business men and women everywhere. With all of the companies coming in, there will be more jobs for people and therefor more people coming into Dublin to work. I think there will be more housing built and a steep increase in housing prices or apartment rental prices. I think the smaller businesses in the city will thrive with new and more business; however, there will be no room for any new small businesses that have yet to be established. With new businesses comes new people, I believe there will be a larger foreign workforce than there is today, and an increase in tourism. As for the countryside, I do not think much will as much as the inner city. The Irish are very passionate about keeping natural beauty in their country. I don’t think anything in the countryside will physically change, but I think there will be more tourists coming to visit the natural beauty like the Cliffs of Moher and the Wicklow Mountains.

Overall, I think there will be some major changes in the inner city with respect to new businesses moving in and more tourists coming in, but I believe the countryside will remain fairly similar to how it is today.




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