Hype for Cyprus

Hello everyone! My name is Grace Brignola and I will be traveling to Cyprus through Plus3 in just a few short weeks (crazy) but before that madness begins I thought I’d introduce myself!

I am a first-year business student studying marketing and business information systems. Originally, I am from Phoenixville, PA, or the classic “an hour outside of Philly” like many other Pitt students. On campus I am involved in the Songburghs a cappella group as well as Phi Beta Lambda, a professional business organization. I also give tours to prospective students as a Pitt Pathfinder! I am always described as a very outgoing and relatable person, so I am definitely excited to form lasting relationships with others on the trip! I am very excited to get outside of the classroom experience in another country to truly gain a global perspective on cultures and supply chains which are crucial in the business world.

I am interested in this program as Cyprus has always been a bucket list location of mine and since I am not really sure what I want to do post-grad, I thought the Cyprus program would be a perfect match as it dabbles in a little bit of everything! This program also was of interest as I was definitely interested in studying abroad sometime in college but wanted to get a feel for it before committing to it for an entire semester.

Through this program, I hope to form bonds with other business students as well as engineering students to have connections with new people all around. I am eager to explore a new country and am excited to try new foods and experience a new culture. I also am looking forward to our site visits to get a hands-on experience in supply chain and different industries. Through these insights, I hope to gain a better idea or a deeper interest in an area that I could turn into a career.

If you couldn’t tell from this entire post, I am very excited to visit Cyprus! Now just to get through finals..

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