Times 3

Three is an important number in my life. I’m a triplet where I am one of 3, important dates in my life have the number 3, my sports jerseys always had the number 3, etc. As crazy as it sounds, the 3 in “Plus 3” is what initially caught my eye about this program. Given…

The Power of a Community

The people across Ecuador have blown me away. We have had a really unique opportunity to be able to stay in all three regions of the country and to meet tons of people along the way. We started our trip by seeing large family gatherings in Quito for Mother’s Day. When we relocated to the…

Cultural Connections

I used to think to be fully immersed in a culture, I would have to live somewhere for a long time. It is only my fourth day here and I already feel connected to the people, land, and culture. Having learned about Ecuador before coming here by reading books and articles, I started to feel…

May 8th – Viviendo la vida de Quito

The most impactful part of Day 1 for me was the people. Having researched Ecuador before the trip began, I knew coming in that I would not have any issues with the locals not being kind and warm. What I was most impressed by was the determination that all the people we interacted with shared….