Day 6: Views Worth the Sweat

Although we had to wake up and leave 2 hours earlier than usual, today was probably the best and most relaxing day yet. It started with a 3 hour bus ride in which we got to see the difference between city life and outside city life. Even though they are extremely close to each other, there is a dramatic difference between them. From apartments and skyscrapers to swamps and huts. The huts were fairly small and appeared to have thatched roofs. I as surprised there was such a difference in living conditions from the city to about 10 minutes outside of it. Finally being aware of the differences, I’m even more excited to see how different things are in the Mekong Delta where it is even more rural.

Our first stop was the giant Jesus statue. No one tells you that you must climb 811 stairs before you even start to climb the stairs inside the statue. All I can say is it was extremely worth all the sweat we put in to climbing. It truly is a beautiful view from atop his shoulders.

After a photo session and break at the top of the hill, we climbed back down to board the bus again to head to the resort. We ate lunch in a room with an infinity pool to our right and the ocean in front of us. I don’t think I could have asked for better food or a better view. We all were extremely thankful when our first appetizer was served (left) and very skeptical when our main entrée was served (right). Overall this has been the best food I have eaten here. The fish may look a little funky but it tasted so good. Hopefully we can find more food like this during our remaining time here.

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