Seoul State of Mind

As a follow up to my pre-departure blog, this blog will contain the travels that I experienced today and some of yesterday, keep in mind there is a 13-hour difference between Pittsburgh and Seoul so the time zones may get a bit confusing. The day started at 2:45am on Saturday. Like I mentioned in my previous blog, I intended not to sleep that night in hopes of sleeping on the 15-hour flight to Seoul. At 3:00am the bus left for the Pittsburgh airport where we checked our bags and boarded our 6:00am flight to Atlanta, Georgia. After a quick 90-minute flight, we then waited around some more until 9:45am where we boarded our flight to the destination Seoul. As a person who despises flying, this was a rather brutal 15 hours. An hour in we were served our first meal. Afterwards, I was so exhausted that I figured now I could finally sleep. I did in fact sleep, and when I woke up, I figured I was out for 3 or 4 hours. Boy, was I mistaken, I was only asleep for 45 minutes and there were still over 13 hours of flying to do. Luckily, I had enough Game of Thrones downloaded to keep myself occupied. Out of boredom I played poker on the small screens on the backs of the seats and lost a lot to the maximum difficulty chess bot. Eventually, we landed in Seoul at 2:00pm (1:00am Pittsburgh time). The journey did not end here though. As a tired, hungry, jet-lagged group, we boarded a bus to take us to the hotel that took around an hour or so. In total, in about 24 hours, we traveled over 9,000 miles. Now, I most look forward to an early bedtime in preparation for tomorrow’s adventures. 

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