Survival in Italy: A How to Guide

Ciao amici miei! (if google translate didn’t fail me, this says “Hello my friends!”)

My name is Nick Trinovitch and I am a freshman Chemical Engineer and the University of Pittsburgh. I am from Scranton, Pennsylvania , and I love traveling. This is why I’m so excited to have the opportunity to explore so much of Italy through Plus 3!

Before any of the fun could truly begin, however, our fearless leaders for this trip (Dr. Jack Patzer and Dr. Mary Duquin) had to sit us down for a few pre-travel meetings. At our first meeting everyone introduced themselves and we all met are group members. It was with these groups that we did various group activities over the next few weeks that expanded our knowledge of both supply chain management and the effect of the fashion industry on the environment and global economy.

Aside from learning about the fashion industry we also had to learn how to survive in Italy. We were told many times to make sure to pack light. Apparently in the past the students had to drag their luggage through cobble stone streets to each hotel so those who packed heavy were often left behind. Of course this isn’t actually true but I’m sure those students didn’t have a great time.

We also discussed the culture of Italy. We were told to carry cash over card because most places will only take cash for their goods. We were also told to make sure to keep our belongings close to us because there has been instances of people getting their phone or wallet stolen from their back pocket in the past. Also, the variety of food available to us is apparently unlike anything we have ever seen so we were told we need to eat the local food to get the full experience. Dr. Patzer even told us that we would be sent home if they ever saw us in a McDonald’s, and I guess I can’t really blame them.

These pre-trip meetings not only made me feel prepared, but it also made me extremely excited to begin this trip. I realize that this is rare opportunity that I have to try to get the most out of. I look forward to every day of this trip, and I’m happy I will have the opportunity to keep anyone who reads these blogs up-to-date on our adventures. I hope you enjoy!

-Nick Trinovitch

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