Nach Deutschland!

Hi everyone! My name is Ryan Martin and I am a freshman at the University of Pittsburgh. I am currently planning to dual major in Finance and Data Analytics with a minor in Economics. I grew up in York, Pennsylvania, and decided to come to Pittsburgh because I love the city and got to explore campus when my cousin was a student at Pitt. At Pitt, I am involved in a professional business fraternity, Delta Sigma Pi, as well as LEAP club. Outside of academics, I compete in bodybuilding and powerlifting, love working on my car, and enjoy painting. I also love any form of extreme activities, like skydiving, cliff jumping, skiing, and pretty much anything else. Recently, I was able to go on a cruise in Europe and visit Italy, France, and Spain. Although it wasn’t my first time out of the country, this trip really sparked my interest in traveling, which is why I decided to do Plus3 Germany!

At Pitt, I have taken two German courses, and had been planning on going to Germany with a the Plus3 program since the beginning of the year. I’m really excited to get to put some of my German learning to use and to try and improve my language skills. I’m also excited to experience German culture and meet some cool people abroad! Another reason I chose the Germany program, is because I am very interested in cars, and I am very excited to get a look at how the car industry works and learn some of the business aspect behind it.

Overall, I am beyond excited to visit Germany with Plus3, and can’t wait to learn and experience new things!


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