Glass Half Full

Today we met in the lobby at 6:15–our earliest morning yet–to drive three hours to the glass factory. About an hour in, something happened to the tire, which resulted in an hour of sitting at a car shop while it got replaced. By the time we got to the glass museum, we only had time to look at some pieces and quickly wander around the gift shop. The group didn’t seem disappointed. I think everyone was happy to get back to sleep.

We arrived at Skoda for our factory tour, museum tour, and motor sports tour. If I’m being honest, I didn’t like any of it too much. A lot of the energy companies and the Kunsthalle really peaked my interest, but cars aren’t my thing. The robots in the factory were impressive, but I couldn’t stop thinking about the waste that was produced and the amount of energy that was used to make these vehicles. I liked learning about the timeline of Skoda vehicles developing from bikes in 1901. I also liked learning about racing. I didn’t realize that the co-drivers had such an important role of telling the drivers which direction and how sharply to turn.

My advice for future Plus3 Czech Republic students is to do a little extra when it comes to learning about the companies ahead of time. I made some connections with people at a few of the companies that I enjoyed by asking questions, asking for their business card, and finding them on LinkedIn. I plan to send them emails and potentially look into internships or jobs. It would have been nice to know more about the companies beforehand so that I could have made a stronger first impression.

Also, be prepared to expect the unexpected. You may get a flat tire or go to a company visit that you don’t enjoy, but it’s important to keep an open mind and positive attitude, because you will always learn something from an uncomfortable, new experience. I have grown so much because of the obstacles on this journey. I am excited to take my new knowledge and skills home with me to Pittsburgh.

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