Plus3 years

I’ve learned so much about Irish history, culture and It’s people on this trip despite it’s brevity. We see all the time how our own cities and towns have changed and progressed with the advancement of technology and Ireland isn’t far behind with this trend with their new multinational additions.

If I were to come back to Ireland in 3 years I would expect to see many changes across the board. Firstly, I definitely think that cities and a lot of the run down areas will be remodeled to appeal more to the tourists and workers from across the globe. With those changes I would assume that the restriction on building height would be removed to accommodate more people and companies. With the influx of people, prices are bound to rise and I think uber will finally get their way and the app will work similarly to how it does in the states and in it’s neighboring country, England.

With the affects of Brexit settled, I see Ireland’s reputation to be amongst the big dogs of Europe. They will be forced to diversify and take on more of Britain’s role as they see themselves out of the issues that came about after the referendum.

I will be keeping tabs on the progress of Ireland within the years to come. I hope to see more diversity as they take on more globalization and improvements as it relates to infrastructure. More specifically, the roads, buildings and housing outside of the newly renovated tech hub.

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